Episode watched: None
I think for any store, customer service and support are the key to getting and keeping customers. The nerds couldn't run the school store anymore at Bayside because, as I would assume, they were nerds and couldn't pull in any customer base. So Belding let Zack take it over and we all know (or maybe just some of us) that he got his business by making a calendar of the swim team + Mr. Belding. Not that I think this is okay, but he wanted to get customers. I recently found a new store in the area that is a lacrosse equipment dealer. Now, for anyone that knows the lacrosse world, most lacrosse players are arrogant and what we call "Lax Bros." That's pretty much what I get when I deal with a lot of equipment vendors...until now. This new store does all the right things, has pulled me in as a customer and has me telling other people...and they didn't need to entice me with an issue of SI's swimsuit edition.
Lesson learned: Not all people are sold on bikini's and skin...well, not always.
Must Haves for L&D
11 years ago